I have a hex value of some color, for example #202010
How to generate a new color which is either lighter or darker given in percent (ie. 20% dar
If you want a simple implementation and you don't care that much about the values being specifically above 50% lightness (or whatever your threshold), you can use my solution for lighter colors:
$color = sprintf('#%06X', mt_rand(0xFFFFFF / 1.5, 0xFFFFFF));
The idea is to generate a random color in the higher part of the palette. You can adjust the results to be more or less dark by changing the "1.5" value:
You can do the same for darker colors by setting the starting point of the random function to "0x000000" and dividing the end limit:
$color = sprintf('#%06X', mt_rand(0x000000, 0xFFFFFF / 1.5));
I know this is not a precise but it works for me.