am trying to add a file to an existing archive using the following code. When run no errors or exceptions are shown but no files are added to the archive either. Any ideas w
/// 添加压缩文件 p 为客户端传回来的文件/夹列表,用分号隔开,不包括主路径, zipfile压缩包的名称
public void AddZipFile(string p, string zipfile)
if (ServerDir.LastIndexOf(@"\") != ServerDir.Length - 1)
ServerDir += @"\";
string[] tmp = p.Split(new char[] { ';' }); //分离文件列表
if (zipfile != "") //压缩包名称不为空
string zipfilepath=ServerDir + zipfile;
if (_ZipOutputStream == null)
_ZipOutputStream = new ZipOutputStream(File.Create(zipfilepath));
for (int i = 0; i < tmp.Length; i++)
if (tmp[i] != "") //分离出来的文件名不为空
this.AddZipEntry(tmp[i], _ZipOutputStream, out _ZipOutputStream); //向压缩文件流加入内容
private static ZipOutputStream _ZipOutputStream;
public void Close()