Standard sorting functions in SML?

后端 未结 5 725
夕颜 2020-12-11 02:21

Are there standard sorting functions in SML? The documentation on the Internet is so scarce I couldn\'t find any.

  •  有刺的猬
    2020-12-11 03:20

    As Jesper Reenberg points out, Standard ML compilers have each their own (non-standard, ironically) sorting libraries. Since the documentation for these lacks examples, here is how to sort a list of strings in ascending order using the various modules:

    1. In SML/NJ and MLton, using the ListMergeSort.sort function:

      - fun sortStrings ss = ListMergeSort.sort (fn (s : string, t) => s > t) ss;
      [library $SMLNJ-LIB/Util/ is stable]
      [autoloading done]
      val sortStrings = fn : string list -> string list
      - sortStrings ["World","Hello"];
      val it = ["Hello","World"] : string list

      The quirk with this library function is that it takes a "greater than" boolean predicate. Since Standard ML's > operator is overloaded, but defaults to int, I have to somehow explicitly annotate that I'm comparing strings.

    2. In Moscow ML, using the Listsort.sort function:

      - load "Listsort";
      > val it = () : unit
      - fun sortStrings ss = Listsort.sort ss;
      > val sortStrings = fn : string list -> string list
      - sortStrings ["World", "Hello"];
      > val it = ["Hello", "World"] : string list

      The quirk with this library is that Moscow ML's interactive REPL does not auto-load Listsort. Typing load "Listsort"; is only necessary in the interactive REPL; when compiling programs, load is not used.

    3. In Poly/ML, there is no library for sorting, so you have to define your own sorting function.

    If neither of these sorting functions are sufficient, here is a number of other sorting functions written in Standard ML:

    1. True QuickSort in Standard ML compares a naive QuickSort (that isn't really a QuickSort) with an implementation of Hoare's algorithm by John Coleman.

    2. Rosetta Code's MergeSort in Standard ML:

      fun merge cmp ([], ys) = ys
        | merge cmp (xs, []) = xs
        | merge cmp (xs as x::xs', ys as y::ys') =
            case cmp (x, y) of
                 GREATER => y :: merge cmp (xs, ys')
               | _       => x :: merge cmp (xs', ys)
      fun sort cmp [] = []
        | sort cmp [x] = [x]
        | sort cmp xs =
            val ys = List.take (xs, length xs div 2)
            val zs = List.drop (xs, length xs div 2)
            merge cmp (sort cmp ys, sort cmp zs)
