Since I can\'t horizontally scroll Treeview column due to what appears to be Tk/Tkinter limitation, I want to make it sticky so it is attached to the frame.
The issu
you can horizontally scroll treeview, when i rezize the colomns(at runtime, drag to the right 'off screen') the xscrollbar gets activated, resize the column (bigger) in you code using an event after creation of scrollbar and treeview, such as push of button(say when treeview gets filled), else '.xview' detects nothing
vsbx = tkinter.Scrollbar(root_search_stock, orient="horizontal") 40, y = 550, width = 1000)
tree = tkinter.ttk.Treeview(root_search_stock,\
columns=column_names,yscrollcommand=vsby.set,xscrollcommand=vsbx.set) = 50, y = 300)
vsbx.config(command = tree.xview)