How do i use TinyMCE jQuery package and what is the difference with TinyMCE jQuery plugin

前端 未结 3 1983
清酒与你 2020-12-09 16:28

I\'ve seen this post What is the TinyMCE jQuery Package? which explains what the v4 TinyMCE jQuery package is but the post and the tinymce site only contain examples of v3.<

  •  有刺的猬
    2020-12-09 17:17

    The tinymce jQuery version enables a developer to use jQuery commands concerning the tinymce editor. I strongly advise anyone who listens not to use the jQuery build of tinymce and stick with the regular tinymce version. The reason for this is easy: the overhead of creating additional objects and elements using the jQuery version does not weight out the benefits. In case of using own tinymce plugins with several keyevent handlers i found out that the jQuery tinymce version took a long time to process many fast keyboard strokes (resulting in a delay of the appearance of letters in the editor). The way to go here is to use the regular tinymce build and load the regular jQuery on the main document as well. Accessing tinymce and adressing html elements using jQuery is then possible.
