Wireshark captures UDP packets in my LAN with follwoing details
Source IP
Destination IP 233.x.x.x
Source Port 24098
Wireshark actually uses Winpcap to do this, and as the other answer indicates, you can use it as well.
You can also use the System.Net.Sockets.Socket
class and place it in promiscuous mode. I use this to capture the IP traffic (e.g., TCP and UDP) from a given network interface. Here's an example.
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
Socket socket =
new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Raw, ProtocolType.IP);
socket.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse("X.X.X.X"), 0)); // specify IP address
socket.ReceiveBufferSize = 2 * 1024 * 1024; // 2 megabytes
socket.ReceiveTimeout = 500; // half a second
byte[] incoming = BitConverter.GetBytes(1);
byte[] outgoing = BitConverter.GetBytes(1);
socket.IOControl(IOControlCode.ReceiveAll, incoming, outgoing);
Now that the socket is created and configured, you can use the Receive()
method to start receiving data. Each time you call Receive()
, the returned buffer will contain an IP packet. See here for the breakout of the IPv4 header, here for the UDP header, and here for the TCP header. If the Protocol field of the IP header contains a value of 17, then you have a UDP packet.
NOTE Raw sockets on Windows require that you be an administrator on your local system. The following language is contained in this MSDN article.
To use a socket of type SOCK_RAW requires administrative privileges. Users running Winsock applications that use raw sockets must be a member of the Administrators group on the local computer, otherwise raw socket calls will fail with an error code of WSAEACCES. On Windows Vista and later, access for raw sockets is enforced at socket creation. In earlier versions of Windows, access for raw sockets is enforced during other socket operations.