Of all the forms of CAPTCHA available, which one is the \"least crackable\" while remaining fairly human readable?
CAPTCHAS, I believe should start being considered heavily when designing the UX. They're slow, cumbersome, and a very poor user experience. They are useful, don't get me wrong but perhaps you should look into designing a honeypot.
A honeypot is created by adding a hiddenfield at the bottom of the form. Because spam bots will fill in all the fields on the page blindly you can do a check:
If honeypotfield <> Empty Then
"No Spam TY"
//Proceed with the form
End If
This works until there is a specifically designed spambot for your site, so they can choose to fill out selected input fields.
For more information: http://haacked.com/archive/2007/09/11/honeypot-captcha.aspx/