It\'s easy to set inline CSS values with javascript. If I want to change the width and I have html like this:
Please! Just ask w3 (! Or actually, it took me five hours... but here it is!
function css(selector, property, value) {
for (var i=0; i
The function is really easy to use.. example:
Click Me!
Mouseover Me!
Click Me!
(function (scope) {
// Create a new stylesheet in the bottom
// of , where the css rules will go
var style = document.createElement('style');
var stylesheet = style.sheet;
scope.css = function (selector, property, value) {
// Append the rule (Major browsers)
try { stylesheet.insertRule(selector+' {'+property+':'+value+'}', stylesheet.cssRules.length);
} catch(err) {try { stylesheet.addRule(selector, property+':'+value); // (pre IE9)
} catch(err) {console.log("Couldn't add style");}} // (alien browsers)