What does the Git index exactly contain, and what command can I use to view the content of the index?
Thanks for all your answe
Here is what you exactly needed, use this command.
$ binwalk index
1717 0x6B5 Unix path: /company/user/user/delete.php
1813 0x715 Unix path: /company/user/user/get.php
1909 0x775 Unix path: /company/user/user/post.php
2005 0x7D5 Unix path: /company/user/user/put.php
3373 0xD2D Unix path: /urban-airship/channel/channel/post.php
3789 0xECD Unix path: /urban-airship/named-user/named-user/post.php
3901 0xF3D Unix path: /user/categories/categories/delete.php
4005 0xFA5 Unix path: /user/categories/categories/get.php
4109 0x100D Unix path: /user/categories/categories/put.php
4309 0x10D5 Unix path: /user/favorites/favorites/delete.php