Is there any difference at all between these classes besides the name?
class WithClass ():
def __init__(self):
self.value = \"Bob\"
def my_fu
classes are like blueprints to create objects. Let's make a metaphor with building a house. You have the blueprint of the house so you can build a house. You can build as many houses as your resources allow.
In this metaphor, the blueprint is the class and the house is the instantiation of the class, creating an object.
The houses have common attributes like having a roof, living room, etc. This is where you init method goes. It constructs the object (house) with the attributes you want.
Lets suppose you have:
`class house:`
`roof = True`
`def __init__(self, color):`
`self.wallcolor = color`
>> create little goldlock's house:
>> goldlock = house() #() invoke's class house, not function
>> goldlock.roof
>> True
all house's have roofs, now let's define goldlock's wall color to white:
>> goldlock.wallcolor = 'white'
>> 'white'