I often have at least 3 remote branches: master, staging and production. I have 3 local branches that track those remote branches.
Updating all my local branches is
I know this question is almost 3 years old, but I asked myself the very same question and did not found any ready made solution. So, I created a custom git command shell script my self.
Here it goes, the git-ffwd-update
script does the following...
git remote update
to fetch the lates revs git remote show
to get a list of local branches that track a remote branch (e.g. branches that can be used with git pull
)git rev-list --count ..
how many commit the local branch is behind the remote (and ahead vice versa)git branch -f -t
the script can be called like:
$ git ffwd-update
Fetching origin
branch bigcouch was 10 commit(s) behind of origin/bigcouch. resetting local branch to remote
branch develop was 3 commit(s) behind of origin/develop. resetting local branch to remote
branch master is 6 commit(s) behind and 1 commit(s) ahead of origin/master. could not be fast-forwarded
The full script, should be saved as git-ffwd-update
and needs to be on the PATH
main() {
if [ -z "$REMOTES" ]; then
REMOTES=$(git remote);
REMOTES=$(echo "$REMOTES" | xargs -n1 echo)
CLB=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD);
echo "$REMOTES" | while read REMOTE; do
git remote update $REMOTE
git remote show $REMOTE -n \
| awk '/merges with remote/{print $5" "$1}' \
| while read RB LB; do
NBEHIND=$(( $(git rev-list --count $ALB..$ARB 2>/dev/null) +0));
NAHEAD=$(( $(git rev-list --count $ARB..$ALB 2>/dev/null) +0));
if [ "$NBEHIND" -gt 0 ]; then
if [ "$NAHEAD" -gt 0 ]; then
echo " branch $LB is $NBEHIND commit(s) behind and $NAHEAD commit(s) ahead of $REMOTE/$RB. could not be fast-forwarded";
elif [ "$LB" = "$CLB" ]; then
echo " branch $LB was $NBEHIND commit(s) behind of $REMOTE/$RB. fast-forward merge";
git merge -q $ARB;
echo " branch $LB was $NBEHIND commit(s) behind of $REMOTE/$RB. resetting local branch to remote";
git branch -f $LB -t $ARB >/dev/null;
main $@