I have 2 pages, my index.html and social.html. I cleaned out my index and left only the jquery code need for fancybox What I am trying to do is to have images inside social.
Ive encounter this problem before and was able to find a solution. Here is what iv done.
in my iframe page i called the parent window with the href e.g.
or if pics "/images/pics.png"
and call this script in my parent page
in my parent html we right a decoy link (this one is from the example on load fancybox)
You can download a working example here.. https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B1TI7BdxGAbvYzBiZjNiMDYtNjY4ZS00NDczLWE2YjQtODNlMjU4YTNjYWI0/edit?authkey=CP_H9rAC