I have a final class, something like this:
public final class RainOnTrees{
public void startRain(){
// some code here
You cannot mock a final class with Mockito, as you can't do it by yourself.
What I do, is to create a non-final class to wrap the final class and use as delegate. An example of this is TwitterFactory class, and this is my mockable class:
public class TwitterFactory {
private final twitter4j.TwitterFactory factory;
public TwitterFactory() {
factory = new twitter4j.TwitterFactory();
public Twitter getInstance(User user) {
return factory.getInstance(accessToken(user));
private AccessToken accessToken(User user) {
return new AccessToken(user.getAccessToken(), user.getAccessTokenSecret());
public Twitter getInstance() {
return factory.getInstance();
The disadvantage is that there is a lot of boilerplate code; the advantage is that you can add some methods that may relate to your application business (like the getInstance that is taking a user instead of an accessToken, in the above case).
In your case I would create a non-final RainOnTrees
class that delegate to the final class. Or, if you can make it non-final, it would be better.