I tried to parse XML to R data frame, this link helped me a lot:
how to create an R data frame from a xml file
But still I was not able to figure out my prob
Use xpath more directly for both performance and clarity.
time_path <- "//start-valid-time"
temp_path <- "//temperature[@type='hourly']/value"
df <- data.frame(
start_valid_time=sapply(data[time_path], xmlValue),
hourly_temperature=as.integer(sapply(data[temp_path], as, "integer"))
leading to
> head(df, 2)
latitude longitude start_valid_time hourly_temperature
1 29.81 -82.42 2014-02-14T18:00:00-05:00 60
2 29.81 -82.42 2014-02-14T19:00:00-05:00 55