sqlite> DELETE FROM mails WHERE (`id` = 71);
SQL error: database is locked
How do I unlock the database so this will work?
An old question, with a lot of answers, here's the steps I've recently followed reading the answers above, but in my case the problem was due to cifs resource sharing. This case is not reported previously, so hope it helps someone.
Try to force the lock mode on the connection opening with
final SQLiteConfig config = new SQLiteConfig();
connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, config.toProperties());
If your using your SQLite db file over a NFS shared folder, check this point of the SQLite faq, and review your mounting configuration options to make sure your avoiding locks, as described here:
//myserver /mymount cifs username=*****,password=*****,iocharset=utf8,sec=ntlm,file,nolock,file_mode=0700,dir_mode=0700,uid=0500,gid=0500 0 0