What I want to do is change how a C# method executes when it is called, so that I can write something like this:
public DTask Solve
Based on the answer to this question and another, ive came up with this tidied up version:
// Note: This method replaces methodToReplace with methodToInject
// Note: methodToInject will still remain pointing to the same location
public static unsafe MethodReplacementState Replace(this MethodInfo methodToReplace, MethodInfo methodToInject)
//#if DEBUG
MethodReplacementState state;
IntPtr tar = methodToReplace.MethodHandle.Value;
if (!methodToReplace.IsVirtual)
tar += 8;
var index = (int)(((*(long*)tar) >> 32) & 0xFF);
var classStart = *(IntPtr*)(methodToReplace.DeclaringType.TypeHandle.Value + (IntPtr.Size == 4 ? 40 : 64));
tar = classStart + IntPtr.Size * index;
var inj = methodToInject.MethodHandle.Value + 8;
tar = *(IntPtr*)tar + 1;
inj = *(IntPtr*)inj + 1;
state.Location = tar;
state.OriginalValue = new IntPtr(*(int*)tar);
*(int*)tar = *(int*)inj + (int)(long)inj - (int)(long)tar;
return state;
state.Location = tar;
state.OriginalValue = *(IntPtr*)tar;
* (IntPtr*)tar = *(IntPtr*)inj;
return state;
public struct MethodReplacementState : IDisposable
internal IntPtr Location;
internal IntPtr OriginalValue;
public void Dispose()
public unsafe void Restore()
*(int*)Location = (int)OriginalValue;
*(IntPtr*)Location = OriginalValue;