I have a simply code in Entity Framework 4.1
code first:
PasmISOContext db = new PasmISOContext();
var user = new User();
user.CreationDate = Da
I'm not entirely sure that it's going to help in your case because I'm setting up my tables using Fluent API, however, as far I can tell, the issue arises regardless whether the schema is set up using data annotations (attributes) or Fluent API (configuration).
There seems to be a bug in EF (v. 6.1.3) as it omits certain changes to the schema when updating the DB to the next migration. The quickest route around it is (during the development stage) to remove all the tables from the DB and runt migrations from init stage again.
If you're already in production, the quickest solution I've found was to manually change the schema in the DB or, if you want to have version control of the changes, manually manipulate the methods Up() and Down() in your migration.