You can do this very easily without complex regular expression:
- Split on the character
. You get a list of Strings
- Process each string in the list: Split every string that is on an even position in the List (starting indexing with zero) on "," (you get a list inside a list), leave every odd positioned string alone (directly putting it in a list inside the list).
- Join the list of lists, so you get only a list.
If you want to handle quoting of '"', you have to adapt the algorithm a little bit (joining some parts, you have incorrectly split of, or changing splitting to simple regexp), but the basic structure stays.
So basically it is something like this:
public class SplitTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
final String splitMe="123,test,444,\"don't split, this\",more test,1";
final String[] splitByQuote=splitMe.split("\"");
final String[][] splitByComma=new String[splitByQuote.length][];
for(int i=0;i
This will be much cleaner with lambdas, promised!