I\'m using the awesome plugin Chart.js, and I\'m trying to find the way of display labels within each percentage. So I googled it, and I found this pull: https://github.com/
I have figured out a way so that we can display the values for each region out side the graph.
Also I removed the rotation of the values and I referred to here
Add the following lines of code inside the Doughnut function. ( I have pasted the modified lines from the Chart.js file).
var Doughnut = function(data,config,ctx){
var segmentTotal = 0;
//In case we have a canvas that is not a square. Minus 10 pixels as padding round the edge.
var doughnutRadius = Min([height/2,width/2]) - 15;
var cutoutRadius = doughnutRadius * (config.percentageInnerCutout/100);
//Modified for setting the label values out side the arc
var outRadius= doughnutRadius + cutoutRadius/3;
var outRadiustop= doughnutRadius + cutoutRadius/5;
function drawPieSegments (animationDecimal){
if (config.scaleShowValues) {
ctx.translate(width / 2, height / 2);
ctx.font = config.scaleFontStyle + ' ' + config.scaleFontSize + 'px ' + config.scaleFontFamily;
ctx.textBaselne = 'middle';
var a = (cumulativeAngle + cumulativeAngle + segmentAngle) / 2,
w = ctx.measureText(data[i].value).width,
b = Math.PI / 2 < a && a < Math.PI * 3 / 2;
var c = 0 < a && a < Math.PI;
ctx.textAlign = 'right';
ctx.textAlign = 'left';
ctx.translate(Math.cos(a) * outRadius +1 , Math.sin(a) * outRadius+1);
ctx.translate(Math.cos(a) * outRadiustop, Math.sin(a) * outRadiustop);
ctx.fillStyle = config.scaleFontColor;
//If the segment angle less than 0.2, then the lables will overlap, so hiding it.
if(segmentAngle > 0.2){
Now the values will be displayed out side each sections and it will not be rotated.