I\'m running Windows 2003 Service Pack 2. I have a batch file that runs on demand. I want to have an email sent every time the batch file runs. The email is simple, just a s
If you can't follow Max's suggestion of installing Blat (or any other utility) on your server, then perhaps your server already has software installed that can send emails.
I know that both Oracle and SqlServer have the capability to send email. You might have to work with your DBA to get that feature enabled and/or get the privilege to use it. Of course I can see how that might present its own set of problems and red tape. Assuming you can access the feature, it is fairly simple to have a batch file login to a database and send mail.
A batch file can easily run a VBScript via CSCRIPT. A quick google search finds many links showing how to send email with VBScript. The first one I happened to look at was http://www.activexperts.com/activmonitor/windowsmanagement/adminscripts/enterprise/mail/. It looks straight forward.