Keep Secret Keys Out

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情话喂你 2020-12-07 21:02

One of the causes of the anti-pattern is that putting SECRET_KEY, AWS keys, etc.. values into settings files has problem:

  • Secrets often shoul
  •  有刺的猬
    2020-12-07 21:53

    The original question was about how to keep secrets in environment variables. This is discussed extensively in the book Two Scoops of Django. Below is a summary of what they said, followed by a caveat about using this technique.

    Starting on page 48 (Section 5.3) of the edition for 1.11:

    Every operating system supported by Django (and Python) provides the easy capability to create environment variables.

    Here are the benefits of using environment variables for secret keys:

    • Keeping secrets out of settings allows you to store every settings file in version control without hesitation. All of your Python code really should be stored in version control, including your settings.
    • Instead of each developer maintaining their own copy-and-pasted version of for development, everyone shares the same version-controlled settings/ .
    • System administrators can rapidly deploy the project without having to modify files containing Python code.
    • Most platforms-as-a-service recommend the use of environment variables for configuration and have built-in features for setting and managing them.

    On the following page, the book continues:

    Before you begin setting environment variables, you should have the following:

    • A way to manage the secret information you are going to store.
    • A good understanding of how bash settings work on servers, or a willingness to have your project hosted by a platform-as-a-service.

    They describe how to set the environment variables locally and in production (with Heroku as an example--you will need to check if you are using a different host this is just one possibility):

    How To Set Environment Variables Locally
    export SOME_SECRET_KEY=1c3-cr3am-15-yummy

    How To Set Environment Variables in Production
    heroku config:set SOME_SECRET_KEY=1c3-cr3am-15-yummy

    Finally, on page 52 they give instructions for how to access the key. For instance you could put the first two lines below in your settings file to replace the raw key string that is put there by default:

    >>> import os
    >>> os.environ['SOME_SECRET_KEY'] 

    This snippet simply gets the value of the SOME_SECRET_KEY environment variable from the operating system and saves it to a Python variable called SOME_SECRET_KEY.

    Following this pattern means all code can remain in version control, and all secrets remain safe.

    Note this will not work in some cases, for instance if you are using an Apache server. To deal with situations where this pattern will not work, you should see Section 5.4 of their book ('When You Can't Use Environment Variables'). In that case, they recommend use a secret file.

    As of late 2017, this technique of storing secrets in your environment variables is the recommended best practice in Two Scoops and in the Twelve Factor App design pattern. It is also recommended at the Django docs. However, there are some security risks: if some developer, or some code, has access to your system, they will have access to your environment variables and may inadvertently (or advertently) make them public. This point was made by Michael Reinsch here:
