How can I export a DataTable
to Excel in C#? I am using Windows Forms. The DataTable
is associated with a DataGridView
control. I have
Private tmr As System.Windows.Forms.Timer
Private Sub TestExcel() Handles Button1.Click
'// Initial data: SQL Server table with 6 columns and 293000 rows.
'// Data table holding all data
Dim dt As New DataTable("F161")
'// Create connection
Dim conn As New SqlConnection("Server=MYSERVER;Database=Test;Trusted_Connection=Yes;")
Dim fAdapter As New SqlDataAdapter With
.SelectCommand = New SqlCommand($"SELECT * FROM dbo.MyTable", conn)
'// Fill DataTable
'// Create Excel application
Dim xlApp As New Excel.Application With {.Visible = True}
'// Temporarily disable screen updating
xlApp.ScreenUpdating = False
'// Create brand new workbook
Dim xlBook As Excel.Workbook = xlApp.Workbooks.Add()
Dim xlSheet As Excel.Worksheet = DirectCast(xlBook.Sheets(1), Excel.Worksheet)
'// Get number of rows
Dim rows_count = dt.Rows.Count
'// Get number of columns
Dim cols_count = dt.Columns.Count
'// Here 's the core idea: after receiving data
'// you need to create an array and transfer it to sheet.
'// Why array?
'// Because it's the fastest way to transfer data to Excel's sheet.
'// So, we have two tasks:
'// 1) Create array
'// 2) Transfer array to sheet
'// =========================================================
'// TASK 1: Create array
'// =========================================================
'// In order to create array, we need to know that
'// Excel's Range object expects 2-D array whose lower bounds
'// of both dimensions start from 1.
'// This means you can't use C# array.
'// You need to manually create such array.
'// Since we already calculated number of rows and columns,
'// we can use these numbers in creating array.
Dim arr = Array.CreateInstance(GetType(Object), {rows_count, cols_count}, {1, 1})
'// Fill array
For r = 0 To rows_count - 1
For c = 0 To cols_count - 1
arr(r + 1, c + 1) = dt.Rows(r)(c)
'// =========================================================
'// TASK 2: Transfer array to sheet
'// =========================================================
'// Now we need to transfer array to sheet.
'// So, how transfer array to sheet fast?
'// We could, of course, hard-code values, but Resize property
'// makes this work a breeze:
xlSheet.Range("A1").Resize.Resize(rows_count, cols_count).Value = arr
'// If we decide to dump data by iterating over array,
'// it will take LOTS of time.
'// For r = 1 To rows_count
'// For c = 1 To cols_count
'// xlSheet.Cells(r, c) = arr(r, c)
'// Next
'// Next
'// Here are time results:
'// 1) Assigning array to Range: 3 seconds
'// 2) Iterating over array: 45 minutes
'// Turn updating on
xlApp.ScreenUpdating = True
xlApp = Nothing
xlBook = Nothing
xlSheet = Nothing
'// Here we have another problem:
'// creating array took lots of memory (about 150 MB).
'// Using 'GC.Collect()', by unknown reason, doesn't help here.
'// However, if you run GC.Collect() AFTER this procedure is finished
'// (say, by pressing another button and calling another procedure),
'// then the memory is cleaned up.
'// I was wondering how to avoid creating some extra button to just release memory,
'// so I came up with the idea to use timer to call GC.
'// After 2 seconds GC collects all generations.
'// Do not forget to dispose timer since we need it only once.
tmr = New Timer()
AddHandler tmr.Tick,
End Sub
tmr.Interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2).TotalMilliseconds()
End Sub