Zoom Canvas to Mouse Cursor

后端 未结 4 1882
爱一瞬间的悲伤 2020-11-22 15:03

I\'m programming a HTML5 < canvas > project that involves zooming in and out of images using the scroll wheel. I want to zoom towards the cursor like google maps does but

  •  清酒与你
    2020-11-22 15:49

    I recently needed to archive same results as Phrogz had already done but instead of using context.scale(), I calculated each object size based on ratio.

    This is what I came up with. Logic behind it is very simple. Before scaling, I calculate point distance from edge in percentages and later adjust viewport to correct place.

    It took me quite a while to come up with it, hope it saves someones time.

    $(function () {
      var canvas = $('canvas.main').get(0)
      var canvasContext = canvas.getContext('2d')
      var ratio = 1
      var vpx = 0
      var vpy = 0
      var vpw = window.innerWidth
      var vph = window.innerHeight
      var orig_width = 4000
      var orig_height = 4000
      var width = 4000
      var height = 4000
      $(window).on('resize', function () {
          width: window.innerWidth,
          height: window.innerHeight,
      $(canvas).on('wheel', function (ev) {
        ev.preventDefault() // for stackoverflow
        var step
        if (ev.originalEvent.wheelDelta) {
          step = (ev.originalEvent.wheelDelta > 0) ? 0.05 : -0.05
        if (ev.originalEvent.deltaY) {
          step = (ev.originalEvent.deltaY > 0) ? 0.05 : -0.05
        if (!step) return false // yea..
        var new_ratio = ratio + step
        var min_ratio = Math.max(vpw / orig_width, vph / orig_height)
        var max_ratio = 3.0
        if (new_ratio < min_ratio) {
          new_ratio = min_ratio
        if (new_ratio > max_ratio) {
          new_ratio = max_ratio
        // zoom center point
        var targetX = ev.originalEvent.clientX || (vpw / 2)
        var targetY = ev.originalEvent.clientY || (vph / 2)
        // percentages from side
        var pX = ((vpx * -1) + targetX) * 100 / width
        var pY = ((vpy * -1) + targetY) * 100 / height
        // update ratio and dimentsions
        ratio = new_ratio
        width = orig_width * new_ratio
        height = orig_height * new_ratio
        // translate view back to center point
        var x = ((width * pX / 100) - targetX)
        var y = ((height * pY / 100) - targetY)
        // don't let viewport go over edges
        if (x < 0) {
          x = 0
        if (x + vpw > width) {
          x = width - vpw
        if (y < 0) {
          y = 0
        if (y + vph > height) {
          y = height - vph
        vpx = x * -1
        vpy = y * -1
      var is_down, is_drag, last_drag
      $(canvas).on('mousedown', function (ev) {
        is_down = true
        is_drag = false
        last_drag = { x: ev.clientX, y: ev.clientY }
      $(canvas).on('mousemove', function (ev) {
        is_drag = true
        if (is_down) {
          var x = vpx - (last_drag.x - ev.clientX)
          var y = vpy - (last_drag.y - ev.clientY)
          if (x <= 0 && vpw < x + width) {
            vpx = x
          if (y <= 0 && vph < y + height) {
            vpy = y
          last_drag = { x: ev.clientX, y: ev.clientY }
      $(canvas).on('mouseup', function (ev) {
        is_down = false
        last_drag = null
        var was_click = !is_drag
        is_drag = false
        if (was_click) {
      $(canvas).css({ position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: 0 }).appendTo(document.body)
      function animate () {
        canvasContext.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height)
        canvasContext.lineWidth = 1
        canvasContext.strokeStyle = '#ccc'
        var step = 100 * ratio
        for (var x = vpx; x < width + vpx; x += step) {
          canvasContext.moveTo(x, vpy)
          canvasContext.lineTo(x, vpy + height)
        for (var y = vpy; y < height + vpy; y += step) {
          canvasContext.moveTo(vpx, y)
          canvasContext.lineTo(vpx + width, y)
        canvasContext.strokeRect(vpx, vpy, width, height)
        canvasContext.moveTo(vpx, vpy)
        canvasContext.lineTo(vpx + width, vpy + height)
        canvasContext.moveTo(vpx + width, vpy)
        canvasContext.lineTo(vpx, vpy + height)
