Is there any way to determine a string\'s encoding in C#?
Say, I have a filename string, but I don\'t know if it is encoded in Unicode UTF-16 or the
Note: this was an experiment to see how UTF-8 encoding worked internally. The solution offered by vilicvane, to use a UTF8Encoding
object that is initialised to throw an exception on decoding failure, is much simpler, and basically does the same thing.
I wrote this piece of code to differentiate between UTF-8 and Windows-1252. It shouldn't be used for gigantic text files though, since it loads the entire thing into memory and scans it completely. I used it for .srt subtitle files, just to be able to save them back in the encoding in which they were loaded.
The encoding given to the function as ref should be the 8-bit fallback encoding to use in case the file is detected as not being valid UTF-8; generally, on Windows systems, this will be Windows-1252. This doesn't do anything fancy like checking actual valid ascii ranges though, and doesn't detect UTF-16 even on byte order mark.
The theory behind the bitwise detection can be found here:
Basically, the bit range of the first byte determines how many after it are part of the UTF-8 entity. These bytes after it are always in the same bit range.
/// Reads a text file, and detects whether its encoding is valid UTF-8 or ascii.
/// If not, decodes the text using the given fallback encoding.
/// Bit-wise mechanism for detecting valid UTF-8 based on
/// The bytes read from the file.
/// The default encoding to use as fallback if the text is detected not to be pure ascii or UTF-8 compliant. This ref parameter is changed to the detected encoding.
/// The contents of the read file, as String.
public static String ReadFileAndGetEncoding(Byte[] docBytes, ref Encoding encoding)
if (encoding == null)
encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(1252);
Int32 len = docBytes.Length;
// byte order mark for utf-8. Easiest way of detecting encoding.
if (len > 3 && docBytes[0] == 0xEF && docBytes[1] == 0xBB && docBytes[2] == 0xBF)
encoding = new UTF8Encoding(true);
// Note that even when initialising an encoding to have
// a BOM, it does not cut it off the front of the input.
return encoding.GetString(docBytes, 3, len - 3);
Boolean isPureAscii = true;
Boolean isUtf8Valid = true;
for (Int32 i = 0; i < len; ++i)
Int32 skip = TestUtf8(docBytes, i);
if (skip == 0)
if (isPureAscii)
isPureAscii = false;
if (skip < 0)
isUtf8Valid = false;
// if invalid utf8 is detected, there's no sense in going on.
i += skip;
if (isPureAscii)
encoding = new ASCIIEncoding(); // pure 7-bit ascii.
else if (isUtf8Valid)
encoding = new UTF8Encoding(false);
// else, retain given encoding. This should be an 8-bit encoding like Windows-1252.
return encoding.GetString(docBytes);
/// Tests if the bytes following the given offset are UTF-8 valid, and
/// returns the amount of bytes to skip ahead to do the next read if it is.
/// If the text is not UTF-8 valid it returns -1.
/// Byte array to test
/// Offset in the byte array to test.
/// The amount of bytes to skip ahead for the next read, or -1 if the byte sequence wasn't valid UTF-8
public static Int32 TestUtf8(Byte[] binFile, Int32 offset)
// 7 bytes (so 6 added bytes) is the maximum the UTF-8 design could support,
// but in reality it only goes up to 3, meaning the full amount is 4.
const Int32 maxUtf8Length = 4;
Byte current = binFile[offset];
if ((current & 0x80) == 0)
return 0; // valid 7-bit ascii. Added length is 0 bytes.
Int32 len = binFile.Length;
for (Int32 addedlength = 1; addedlength < maxUtf8Length; ++addedlength)
Int32 fullmask = 0x80;
Int32 testmask = 0;
// This code adds shifted bits to get the desired full mask.
// If the full mask is [111]0 0000, then test mask will be [110]0 0000. Since this is
// effectively always the previous step in the iteration I just store it each time.
for (Int32 i = 0; i <= addedlength; ++i)
testmask = fullmask;
fullmask += (0x80 >> (i+1));
// figure out bit masks from level
if ((current & fullmask) == testmask)
if (offset + addedlength >= len)
return -1;
// Lookahead. Pattern of any following bytes is always 10xxxxxx
for (Int32 i = 1; i <= addedlength; ++i)
if ((binFile[offset + i] & 0xC0) != 0x80)
return -1;
return addedlength;
// Value is greater than the maximum allowed for utf8. Deemed invalid.
return -1;