Just pushed my first app to Heroku using Git and straight away got an Interanl Server Error.
You must set config.secret_key_base in your app\'s config.
Remove the hardcoded secret, check the secret initialiser into version control, set an environment variable on Heroku, and provide a fallback for development and stage.
Edit your config/initializers/secure_random.rb to remove the hardcoded secret for production. Optionally include a fallback for non-production environments if you'd rather not change the way you start your server.
secret = Rails.env.production? ? ENV['SECRET_TOKEN'] : "top_secret_token"
YourApp::Application.config.secret_key_base = secret
Edit .gitignore and remove the line:
Now commit the file.
rake secret
to generate a random alphanumeric string. I like to make doubly sure by mixing the key up a little by hand as well, just in case a future weakness is discovered in the key generation algorithm, as happened for Debian not so long ago. Probably this is unnecessary.
Next run:
heroku config:set SECRET_TOKEN=paste_random_string_here
to set the secret as a Heroku environment variable. Deploy to Heroku and you're done.