This is annoying. I have a javascript file referenced on a django template:
I have also struggled with this problem for hours. I have tried to inject random string using Javascript, but this method seems stupid and ugly-looking. One possible way to handle this problem is to introduce a custom tag. See this document for details:
Specifically, you need to create a package called templatetags
in whatever apps you have created (or create a new one if you want). And you create any file in this package, and write something like this:
from django import template
from django.utils.crypto import get_random_string
from django.templatetags import static
register = template.Library()
class StaticExtraNode(static.StaticNode):
def render(self, context):
return super().render(context) + '?v=' + get_random_string(32)
def do_static_extra(parser, token):
return StaticExtraNode.handle_token(parser, token)
def static_extra(path):
return StaticExtraNode.handle_simple(path)
then you can use tag {% static_no_cache '.../.../path...' %}
to create a path with random arguments!
I hope this would help!