In PDO, a connection can be made persistent using the PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT
attribute. According to the php manual -
Persistent connectio
In response to Charles' problem above,
From : -
A common complain about persistent connections is that their state is not reset before reuse. For example, open and unfinished transactions are not automatically rolled back. But also, authorization changes which happened in the time between putting the connection into the pool and reusing it are not reflected. This may be seen as an unwanted side-effect. On the contrary, the name persistent may be understood as a promise that the state is persisted.
The mysqli extension supports both interpretations of a persistent connection: state persisted, and state reset before reuse. The default is reset. Before a persistent connection is reused, the mysqli extension implicitly calls mysqli_change_user()
to reset the state. The persistent connection appears to the user as if it was just opened. No artifacts from previous usages are visible.
The mysqli_change_user()
function is an expensive operation. For best performance, users may want to recompile the extension with the compile flag MYSQLI_NO_CHANGE_USER_ON_PCONNECT
being set.
It is left to the user to choose between safe behavior and best performance. Both are valid optimization goals. For ease of use, the safe behavior has been made the default at the expense of maximum performance.