I have a Python program for Linux almost looks like this one :
import os
import time
process = os.popen(\"top\").readlines()
( J.F. Sebastian your codes work great , I think it's better than my solution =) )
I've solved it using another way.
Instead of making the output directly on the terminal I make it into a file "tmp_file" :
top >> tmp_file
then I used the tool "cut" to make its output "which is top output" as process's value
cat tmp_file
and it did what I want it to do .This is the final code:
import os
import subprocess
import time
subprocess.Popen("top >> tmp_file",shell = True)
os.popen("killall top")
process = os.popen("cat tmp_file").read()
os.popen("rm tmp_file")
print process
# Thing better than nothing =)
Thank you so much guys for help