Fastest code C/C++ to select the median in a set of 27 floating point values

后端 未结 15 1029
梦谈多话 2020-12-07 09:24

This is the well know select algorithm. see

I need it to find the median value of a set of 3x3x3 voxel values. Sinc

  •  有刺的猬
    2020-12-07 09:43

    EDIT: I have to apologize. The code below was WRONG. I have the fixed code, but need to find an icc compiler to redo the measurements.

    The benchmark results of the algorithms considered so far

    For the protocol and short description of algorithms see below. First value is mean time (seconds) over 200 different sequences and second value is stdDev.

    HeapSort     : 2.287 0.2097
    QuickSort    : 2.297 0.2713
    QuickMedian1 : 0.967 0.3487
    HeapMedian1  : 0.858 0.0908
    NthElement   : 0.616 0.1866
    QuickMedian2 : 1.178 0.4067
    HeapMedian2  : 0.597 0.1050
    HeapMedian3  : 0.015 0.0049 <-- best

    Protocol: generate 27 random floats using random bits obtained from rand(). Apply each algorithm 5 million times in a row (including prior array copy) and compute average and stdDev over 200 random sequences. C++ code compiled with icc -S -O3 and run on Intel E8400 with 8GB DDR3.


    HeapSort : full sort of sequence using heap sort and pick middle value. Naive implementation using subscript access.

    QuickSort: full in place sort of sequence using quick sort and pick middle value. Naive implementation using subscript access.

    QuickMedian1: quick select algorithm with swapping. Naive implementation using subscript access.

    HeapMedian1: in place balanced heap method with prior swapping. Naive implementation using subscript access.

    NthElement : uses the nth_element STL algorithm. Data is copied into the vector using memcpy(, rndVal, ... );

    QuickMedian2: uses quick select algorithm with pointers and copy in two buffers to avoid swaping. Based on proposal of MSalters.

    HeapMedian2 : variant of my invented algorithm using dual heaps with shared heads. Left heap has biggest value as head, right has smallest value as head. Initialize with first value as common head and first median value guess. Add subsequent values to left heap if smaller than head, otherwise to right heap, until one of the heap is full. It is full when it contains 14 values. Then consider only the full heap. If its the right heap, for all values bigger than the head, pop head and insert value. Ignore all other values. If its the left heap, for all values smaller than the head, pop head and insert it in heap. Ignore all other values. When all values have been proceeded, the common head is the median value. It uses integer index into array. The version using pointers (64bit) appeared to be nearly twice slower (~1s).

    HeapMedian3 : same algorithm as HeapMedian2 but optimized. It uses unsigned char index, avoids value swapping and various other little things. The mean and stdDev values are computed over 1000 random sequences. For nth_element I measured 0.508s and a stdDev of 0.159537 with the same 1000 random sequences. HeapMedian3 is thus 33 time faster than the nth_element stl function. Each returned median value is checked against the median value returned by heapSort and they all match. I doubt a method using hash may be significantly faster.

    EDIT 1: This algorithm can be further optimized. The first phase where elements are dispatched in the left or right heap based on the comparison result doesn't need heaps. It is sufficient to simply append elements to two unordered sequences. The phase one stops as soon as one sequence is full, which means it contains 14 elements (including the median value). The second phase starts by heapifying the full sequence and then proceed as described in the HeapMedian3 algorithm. I'll provide the new code and benchmark as soon as possible.

    EDIT 2: I implemented and benchmarked the optimized algorithm. But there is no significant performance difference compared heapMedian3. It is even slightly slower on the average. Shown results are confirmed. There might be with much larger sets. Note also that I simply pick the first value as initial median guess. As suggested, one could benefit from the fact that we search a median value in "overlapping" value sets. Using the median of median algorithm would help to pick a much better initial median value guess.

    Source code of HeapMedian3

    // return the median value in a vector of 27 floats pointed to by a
    float heapMedian3( float *a )
       float left[14], right[14], median, *p;
       unsigned char nLeft, nRight;
       // pick first value as median candidate
       p = a;
       median = *p++;
       nLeft = nRight = 1;
           // get next value
           float val = *p++;
           // if value is smaller than median, append to left heap
           if( val < median )
               // move biggest value to the heap top
               unsigned char child = nLeft++, parent = (child - 1) / 2;
               while( parent && val > left[parent] )
                   left[child] = left[parent];
                   child = parent;
                   parent = (parent - 1) / 2;
               left[child] = val;
               // if left heap is full
               if( nLeft == 14 )
                   // for each remaining value
                   for( unsigned char nVal = 27 - (p - a); nVal; --nVal )
                       // get next value
                       val = *p++;
                       // if value is to be inserted in the left heap
                       if( val < median )
                           child = left[2] > left[1] ? 2 : 1;
                           if( val >= left[child] )
                               median = val;
                               median = left[child];
                               parent = child;
                               child = parent*2 + 1;
                               while( child < 14 )
                                   if( child < 13 && left[child+1] > left[child] )
                                   if( val >= left[child] )
                                   left[parent] = left[child];
                                   parent = child;
                                   child = parent*2 + 1;
                               left[parent] = val;
                   return median;
           // else append to right heap
               // move smallest value to the heap top
               unsigned char child = nRight++, parent = (child - 1) / 2;
               while( parent && val < right[parent] )
                   right[child] = right[parent];
                   child = parent;
                   parent = (parent - 1) / 2;
               right[child] = val;
               // if right heap is full
               if( nRight == 14 )
                   // for each remaining value
                   for( unsigned char nVal = 27 - (p - a); nVal; --nVal )
                       // get next value
                       val = *p++;
                       // if value is to be inserted in the right heap
                       if( val > median )
                           child = right[2] < right[1] ? 2 : 1;
                           if( val <= right[child] )
                               median = val;
                               median = right[child];
                               parent = child;
                               child = parent*2 + 1;
                               while( child < 14 )
                                   if( child < 13 && right[child+1] < right[child] )
                                   if( val <= right[child] )
                                   right[parent] = right[child];
                                   parent = child;
                                   child = parent*2 + 1;
                               right[parent] = val;
                   return median;
