I have some questions about boxplots in matplotlib:
Question A. What do the markers that I highlighted below with Q1, Q2>
The image below shows the different parts of a boxplot.
Quantile 1/Q1: 25th Percentile
Interquartile Range (IQR): 25th percentile to the 75th percentile.
Median (Quantile 2/Q2): 50th Percentile.
Quantile 3/Q3: 75th Percentile.
I should note that the blue part are the whiskers of the boxplot.
The image below compares the box plot of a normal distribution against the probability density function. It should help explain the "Minimum", "Maximum", and outliers.
"Minimum": (Q1-1.5 IQR)
"Maximum": (Q3+1.5 IQR)
As zelusp said, 99.3% of data is contained within 2.698σ (standard deviations) for a normal distribution. The green circles (outliers) in the image below are the remaining .7% of the data. Here is a derivation of how those numbers came to be.