I\'m wondering if it\'s possible to sandbox JavaScript running in the browser to prevent access to features that are normally available to JavaScript code running in an HTML
Where is this user JavaScript coming from?
There is not much you can do about a user embedding code into your page and then calling it from their browser (see Greasemonkey, http://www.greasespot.net/). It's just something browsers do.
However, if you store the script in a database, then retrieve it and eval() it, then you can clean up the script before it is run.
Examples of code that removes all window. and document. references:
.replace(/\/\/.+\n|\/\*.*\*\/, '') // Clear all comments
.replace(/\s(window|document)\s*[\;\)\.]/, '') // removes window. or window; or window)
This tries to prevent the following from being executed (not tested):
window.location = 'http://mydomain.com';
var w = window ;
There are a lot of limitations you would have to apply to the unsafe user script. Unfortunately, there is no 'sandbox container' available for JavaScript.