How do I find out a name of class that created an instance of an object in Python if the function I am doing this from is the base class of which the class of the instance h
Apart from grabbing the special __name__ attribute, you might find yourself in need of the qualified name for a given class/function. This is done by grabbing the types __qualname__
In most cases, these will be exactly the same, but, when dealing with nested classes/methods these differ in the output you get. For example:
class Spam:
def meth(self):
class Bar:
>>> s = Spam()
>>> type(s).__name__
>>> type(s).__qualname__
>>> type(s).Bar.__name__ # type not needed here
>>> type(s).Bar.__qualname__ # type not needed here
>>> type(s).meth.__name__
>>> type(s).meth.__qualname__
Since introspection is what you're after, this is always you might want to consider.