Do you often see in API documentation (as in \'javadoc of public functions\' for example) the description of \"value limits\" as well as the classic documentation ?
I think they do, and have always placed comments in the header files (c++) arcordingly.
In addition to valid input/output/return comments, I also note which exceptions are likly to be thrown by the function (since I often want to use the return value for...well returning a value, I prefer exceptions over error codes)
// Should be a path to the teexture file to load, if it is not a full path (eg "c:\example.png") it will attempt to find the file usign the paths provided by the DataSearchPath list
//Return: The pointer to a Texture instance is returned, in the event of an error, an exception is thrown. When you are finished with the texture you chould call the Free() method.
Texture *GetTexture(const std::string &File);