I have a DTO class which I Serialize
How can I exclude a public property of it?
(It has to
If you are not so keen on having to decorate code with Attributes as I am, esp when you cant tell at compile time what will happen here is my solution.
Using the Javascript Serializer
public static class JsonSerializerExtensions
public static string ToJsonString(this object target,bool ignoreNulls = true)
var javaScriptSerializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
javaScriptSerializer.RegisterConverters(new[] { new PropertyExclusionConverter(target.GetType(), true) });
return javaScriptSerializer.Serialize(target);
public static string ToJsonString(this object target, Dictionary> ignore, bool ignoreNulls = true)
var javaScriptSerializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
foreach (var key in ignore.Keys)
javaScriptSerializer.RegisterConverters(new[] { new PropertyExclusionConverter(key, ignore[key], ignoreNulls) });
return javaScriptSerializer.Serialize(target);
public class PropertyExclusionConverter : JavaScriptConverter
private readonly List propertiesToIgnore;
private readonly Type type;
private readonly bool ignoreNulls;
public PropertyExclusionConverter(Type type, List propertiesToIgnore, bool ignoreNulls)
this.ignoreNulls = ignoreNulls;
this.type = type;
this.propertiesToIgnore = propertiesToIgnore ?? new List();
public PropertyExclusionConverter(Type type, bool ignoreNulls)
: this(type, null, ignoreNulls){}
public override IEnumerable SupportedTypes
get { return new ReadOnlyCollection(new List(new[] { this.type })); }
public override IDictionary Serialize(object obj, JavaScriptSerializer serializer)
var result = new Dictionary();
if (obj == null)
return result;
var properties = obj.GetType().GetProperties();
foreach (var propertyInfo in properties)
if (!this.propertiesToIgnore.Contains(propertyInfo.Name))
if(this.ignoreNulls && propertyInfo.GetValue(obj, null) == null)
result.Add(propertyInfo.Name, propertyInfo.GetValue(obj, null));
return result;
public override object Deserialize(IDictionary dictionary, Type type, JavaScriptSerializer serializer)
throw new NotImplementedException(); //Converter is currently only used for ignoring properties on serialization