Is there a way to get the mouse wheel events (not talking about scroll
events) in jQuery?
Binding to both mousewheel
and DOMMouseScroll
ended up working really well for me:
$(window).bind('mousewheel DOMMouseScroll', function(event){
if (event.originalEvent.wheelDelta > 0 || event.originalEvent.detail < 0) {
// scroll up
else {
// scroll down
This method is working in IE9+, Chrome 33, and Firefox 27.
Edit - Mar 2016
I decided to revisit this issue since it's been a while. The MDN page for the scroll event has a great way of retrieving the scroll position that makes use of requestAnimationFrame
, which is highly preferable to my previous detection method. I modified their code to provide better compatibility in addition to scroll direction and position:
(function() {
var supportOffset = window.pageYOffset !== undefined,
lastKnownPos = 0,
ticking = false,
function doSomething(scrollPos, scrollDir) {
// Your code goes here...
console.log('scroll pos: ' + scrollPos + ' | scroll dir: ' + scrollDir);
window.addEventListener('wheel', function(e) {
currYPos = supportOffset ? window.pageYOffset : document.body.scrollTop;
scrollDir = lastKnownPos > currYPos ? 'up' : 'down';
lastKnownPos = currYPos;
if (!ticking) {
window.requestAnimationFrame(function() {
doSomething(lastKnownPos, scrollDir);
ticking = false;
ticking = true;
This code is currently working in Chrome v50, Firefox v44, Safari v9, and IE9+