The goal is to create a mock class which behaves like a db resultset.
So for example, if a database query returns, using a dict expression, {\'ab\':100, \'cd\'
class atdict(dict):
def __init__(self, value, **kwargs):
self.__dict = value
def __getattr__(self, name):
for key in self.__dict:
if type(self.__dict[key]) is list:
for idx, item in enumerate(self.__dict[key]):
if type(item) is dict:
self.__dict[key][idx] = atdict(item)
if type(self.__dict[key]) is dict:
self.__dict[key] = atdict(self.__dict[key])
return self.__dict[name]
d1 = atdict({'a' : {'b': [{'c': 1}, 2]}})
And the output is:
>> 1