The goal is to create a mock class which behaves like a db resultset.
So for example, if a database query returns, using a dict expression, {\'ab\':100, \'cd\'
I asked a similary question on this Stack Overflow post to create a class factory which created simple types. The outcome was this answer which had a working version of the class factory. Here is a snippet of the answer:
def Struct(*args, **kwargs):
def init(self, *iargs, **ikwargs):
for k,v in kwargs.items():
setattr(self, k, v)
for i in range(len(iargs)):
setattr(self, args[i], iargs[i])
for k,v in ikwargs.items():
setattr(self, k, v)
name = kwargs.pop("name", "MyStruct")
kwargs.update(dict((k, None) for k in args))
return type(name, (object,), {'__init__': init, '__slots__': kwargs.keys()})
>>> Person = Struct('fname', 'age')
>>> person1 = Person('Kevin', 25)
>>> person2 = Person(age=42, fname='Terry')
>>> person1.age += 10
>>> person2.age -= 10
>>> person1.fname, person1.age, person2.fname, person2.age
('Kevin', 35, 'Terry', 32)
You could use some variation of this to create default values which is your goal (there is also an answer in that question which deals with this).