I\'ve developed an equation parser using a simple stack algorithm that will handle binary (+, -, |, &, *, /, etc) operators, unary (!) operators, and parenthesis.
Algorithm could be easily encoded in C as recursive descent parser.
* expression -> sum
* sum -> product | product "+" sum
* product -> term | term "*" product
* term -> number | expression
* number -> [0..9]+
typedef struct {
int value;
const char* context;
} expression_t;
expression_t expression(int value, const char* context) {
return (expression_t) { value, context };
/* begin: parsers */
expression_t eval_expression(const char* symbols);
expression_t eval_number(const char* symbols) {
// number -> [0..9]+
double number = 0;
while (isdigit(*symbols)) {
number = 10 * number + (*symbols - '0');
return expression(number, symbols);
expression_t eval_term(const char* symbols) {
// term -> number | expression
expression_t number = eval_number(symbols);
return number.context != symbols ? number : eval_expression(symbols);
expression_t eval_product(const char* symbols) {
// product -> term | term "*" product
expression_t term = eval_term(symbols);
if (*term.context != '*')
return term;
expression_t product = eval_product(term.context + 1);
return expression(term.value * product.value, product.context);
expression_t eval_sum(const char* symbols) {
// sum -> product | product "+" sum
expression_t product = eval_product(symbols);
if (*product.context != '+')
return product;
expression_t sum = eval_sum(product.context + 1);
return expression(product.value + sum.value, sum.context);
expression_t eval_expression(const char* symbols) {
// expression -> sum
return eval_sum(symbols);
/* end: parsers */
int main() {
const char* expression = "1+11*5";
printf("eval(\"%s\") == %d\n", expression, eval_expression(expression).value);
return 0;
next libs might be useful: yupana - strictly arithmetic operations; tinyexpr - arithmetic operations + C math functions + one provided by user; mpc - parser combinators
Let's capture sequence of symbols that represent algebraic expression. First one is a number, that is a decimal digit repeated one or more times. We will refer such notation as production rule.
number -> [0..9]+
Addition operator with its operands is another rule.
It is either number
or any symbols that represents sum "*" sum
sum -> number | sum "+" sum
Try substitute number
into sum "+" sum
that will be number "+" number
which in turn could be expanded into [0..9]+ "+" [0..9]+
that finally could be reduced to 1+8
which is correct addition expression.
Other substitutions will also produce correct expression: sum "+" sum
-> number "+" sum
-> number "+" sum "+" sum
-> number "+" sum "+" number
-> number "+" number "+" number
-> 12+3+5
Bit by bit we could resemble set of production rules aka grammar that express all possible algebraic expression.
expression -> sum
sum -> difference | difference "+" sum
difference -> product | difference "-" product
product -> fraction | fraction "*" product
fraction -> term | fraction "/" term
term -> "(" expression ")" | number
number -> digit+
To control operator precedence alter position of its production rule against others. Look at grammar above and note that production rule for *
is placed below +
this will force product
evaluate before sum
Implementation just combines pattern recognition with evaluation and thus closely mirrors production rules.
expression_t eval_product(const char* symbols) {
// product -> term | term "*" product
expression_t term = eval_term(symbols);
if (*term.context != '*')
return term;
expression_t product = eval_product(term.context + 1);
return expression(term.value * product.value, product.context);
Here we eval term
first and return it if there is no *
character after it this is left choise in our production rule otherwise - evaluate symbols after and return term.value * product.value
this is right choise in our production rule i.e. term "*" product