I have the following data frame and i want to use cast to create a \"pivot table\" with columns for two values (value and percent). Here is the data frame:
Your best option is to reshape your data to long format, using melt
, and then to dcast
meltExpensesByMonth <- melt(expensesByMonth, id.vars=1:2)
dcast(meltExpensesByMonth, expense_type ~ month + variable, fun.aggregate = sum)
The first few lines of output:
expense_type 2012-02-01_value 2012-02-01_percent 2012-03-01_value 2012-03-01_percent
1 Adjustment 442.37 0.124025031 2.00 0.0005064625
2 Bank Service Charge 200.00 0.056072985 200.00 0.0506462461
3 Cable 21.33 0.005980184 36.33 0.0091998906
4 Charity 0.00 0.000000000 0.00 0.0000000000