I\'ve spent a good amount of time coming up with solution to this problem, so in the spirit of this post, I\'m posting it here, since I think it might be useful to others. <
Here's the script that I came up with. It handles Identity columns, default values, and primary keys. It does not handle foreign keys, indexes, triggers, or any other clever stuff. It works on SQLServer 2000, 2005 and 2008.
declare @schema varchar(100), @table varchar(100)
set @schema = 'dbo' -- set schema name here
set @table = 'MyTable' -- set table name here
declare @sql table(s varchar(1000), id int identity)
-- create statement
insert into @sql(s) values ('create table [' + @table + '] (')
-- column list
insert into @sql(s)
' ['+column_name+'] ' +
data_type + coalesce('('+cast(character_maximum_length as varchar)+')','') + ' ' +
case when exists (
select id from syscolumns
where object_name(id)=@table
and name=column_name
and columnproperty(id,name,'IsIdentity') = 1
) then
cast(ident_seed(@table) as varchar) + ',' +
cast(ident_incr(@table) as varchar) + ')'
else ''
end + ' ' +
( case when IS_NULLABLE = 'No' then 'NOT ' else '' end ) + 'NULL ' +
coalesce('DEFAULT '+COLUMN_DEFAULT,'') + ','
from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where table_name = @table AND table_schema = @schema
order by ordinal_position
-- primary key
declare @pkname varchar(100)
select @pkname = constraint_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS
where table_name = @table and constraint_type='PRIMARY KEY'
if ( @pkname is not null ) begin
insert into @sql(s) values(' PRIMARY KEY (')
insert into @sql(s)
where constraint_name = @pkname
order by ordinal_position
-- remove trailing comma
update @sql set s=left(s,len(s)-1) where id=@@identity
insert into @sql(s) values (' )')
else begin
-- remove trailing comma
update @sql set s=left(s,len(s)-1) where id=@@identity
-- closing bracket
insert into @sql(s) values( ')' )
-- result!
select s from @sql order by id