If I want my app to behave differently on a jailbroken iPhone, how would I go about determining this?
Here's my solutions: Step 1
extension UIDevice {
func isJailBroken() -> Bool {
let cydiaPath = "/Applications/Cydia.app"
let aptPath = "/private/var/lib/apt/"
if FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: cydiaPath) || FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: aptPath) {
return true
return false
Step 2: Call it inside viewDidLoad()
inside your launch screen view controller(or whatever VC you are calling for the first time):
// show a blank screen or some other view controller
let viewController = UIDevice.current.isJailBroken() ? JailBrokenViewController() : NextViewController()
self.navigationController?.present(viewController, animated: true, completion:nil)