I need to figure out how to get or make a build number for my Android application. I need the build number to display in the UI.
Do I have to do something with
Useful for build systems: there is a file generated with your apk called output.json
which contains an array of information for each generated APK, including the versionName and versionCode.
"apkInfo": {
"baseName": "x86-release",
"enabled": true,
"filterName": "x86",
"fullName": "86Release",
"outputFile": "x86-release-1.0.apk",
"splits": [
"filterType": "ABI",
"value": "x86"
"type": "FULL_SPLIT",
"versionCode": 42,
"versionName": "1.0"
"outputType": {
"type": "APK"
"path": "app-x86-release-1.0.apk",
"properties": {}