This is probably going to be a stupid question but I\'m having one of those nights. In an application I am developing RESTful API and we want the client to send data as JSON
Please ensure that you have following import. Ofcourse other standard imports
void uploadzipFiles(String token) {
RestBuilder rest = new RestBuilder(connectTimeout:10000, readTimeout:20000)
def zipFile = new File("")
def Id = "001G00000"
MultiValueMap form = new LinkedMultiValueMap()
form.add("id", id)
form.add('file',new FileSystemResource(zipFile))
def urld ='''http://URL''';
def resp = {
header('X-Auth-Token', clientSecret)
contentType "multipart/form-data"
println "resp::"+resp
println "resp::"+resp.text
println "resp::"+resp.headers
println "resp::"+resp.body
println "resp::"+resp.status