Collections.sort can be called with a custom comparator. And that comparator can be implemented to allow sorting in different sort orders. Here's an example (for your Person model - with age as an Integer):
public class FlexiblePersonComparator implements Comparator {
public enum Order {Name, Age, Country}
private Order sortingBy = Name;
public int compare(Person person1, Person person2) {
switch(sortingBy) {
case Name: return;
case Age: return person1.age.compareTo(person2.age);
case Country: return;
throw new RuntimeException("Practically unreachable code, can't be thrown");
public void setSortingBy(Order sortBy) {
this.sortingBy = sortingBy;
And you use it like that (assuming persons is a field):
public void sortPersonsBy(FlexiblePersonComparator.Order sortingBy) {
List persons = this.persons; // useless line, just for clarification
FlexiblePersonComparator comparator = new FlexiblePersonComparator();
Collections.sort(persons, comparator); // now we have a sorted list