In Windows Forms, I\'d just override WndProc
, and start handling messages as they came in.
Can someone show me an example of how to achieve the same thi
If you don't mind referencing WinForms, you can use a more MVVM-oriented solution that doesn't couple service with the view. You need to create and initialize a System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow which is a lightweight window that can receive messages.
public abstract class WinApiServiceBase : IDisposable
/// Sponge window absorbs messages and lets other services use them
private sealed class SpongeWindow : NativeWindow
public event EventHandler WndProced;
public SpongeWindow()
CreateHandle(new CreateParams());
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
WndProced?.Invoke(this, m);
base.WndProc(ref m);
private static readonly SpongeWindow Sponge;
protected static readonly IntPtr SpongeHandle;
static WinApiServiceBase()
Sponge = new SpongeWindow();
SpongeHandle = Sponge.Handle;
protected WinApiServiceBase()
Sponge.WndProced += LocalWndProced;
private void LocalWndProced(object sender, Message message)
/// Override to process windows messages
protected virtual void WndProc(Message message)
{ }
public virtual void Dispose()
Sponge.WndProced -= LocalWndProced;
Use SpongeHandle to register for messages you're interested in and then override WndProc to process them:
public class WindowsMessageListenerService : WinApiServiceBase
protected override void WndProc(Message message)
The only downside is that you have to include System.Windows.Forms reference, but otherwise this is a very encapsulated solution.
More on this can be read here