Assuming I have a left outer join as such:
from f in Foo
join b in Bar on f.Foo_Id equals b.Foo_Id into g
from result in g.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new { Foo
Whilst the accepted answer works and is good for Linq to Objects it bugged me that the SQL query isn't just a straight Left Outer Join.
The following code relies on the LinkKit Project that allows you to pass expressions and invoke them to your query.
static IQueryable LeftOuterJoin(
this IQueryable source,
IQueryable inner,
Expression> sourceKey,
Expression> innerKey,
Expression> result
) {
return from a in source.AsExpandable()
join b in inner on sourceKey.Invoke(a) equals innerKey.Invoke(b) into c
from d in c.DefaultIfEmpty()
select result.Invoke(a,d);
It can be used as follows
Table1.LeftOuterJoin(Table2, x => x.Key1, x => x.Key2, (x,y) => new { x,y});