I am trying to make a simple Coffee Calculator. I need to display the amount of coffee in grams. The \"g\" symbol for grams needs to be attached to my UILabel that I am usin
Swift 4.2
extension UILabel {
func boldSubstring(_ substr: String) {
guard substr.isEmpty == false,
let text = attributedText,
let range = text.string.range(of: substr, options: .caseInsensitive) else {
let attr = NSMutableAttributedString(attributedString: text)
let start = text.string.distance(from: text.string.startIndex, to: range.lowerBound)
let length = text.string.distance(from: range.lowerBound, to: range.upperBound)
attr.addAttributes([NSAttributedStringKey.font: UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: self.font.pointSize)],
range: NSMakeRange(start, length))
attributedText = attr