I have 2,299.00
as a string and I am trying to parse it to a number. I tried using parseFloat
, which results in 2. I guess the comma is the problem
It's baffling that they included a toLocaleString but not a parse method. At least toLocaleString without arguments is well supported in IE6+.
For a i18n solution, I came up with this:
First detect the user's locale decimal separator:
var decimalSeparator = 1.1;
decimalSeparator = decimalSeparator.toLocaleString().substring(1, 2);
Then normalize the number if there's more than one decimal separator in the String:
var pattern = "([" + decimalSeparator + "])(?=.*\\1)";separator
var formatted = valor.replace(new RegExp(pattern, "g"), "");
Finally, remove anything that is not a number or a decimal separator:
formatted = formatted.replace(new RegExp("[^0-9" + decimalSeparator + "]", "g"), '');
return Number(formatted.replace(decimalSeparator, "."));