I need to get height of an element that is within a div that is hidden. Right now I show the div, get the height, and hide the parent div. This seems a bit silly. Is there a
Here's a script I wrote to handle all of jQuery's dimension methods for hidden elements, even descendants of hidden parents. Note that, of course, there's a performance hit using this.
// Correctly calculate dimensions of hidden elements
(function($) {
var originals = {},
keys = [
isVisible = function(el) {
el = $(el);
el.data('hidden', []);
var visible = true,
parents = el.parents(),
hiddenData = el.data('hidden');
if(!el.is(':visible')) {
visible = false;
hiddenData[hiddenData.length] = el;
parents.each(function(i, parent) {
parent = $(parent);
if(!parent.is(':visible')) {
visible = false;
hiddenData[hiddenData.length] = parent;
return visible;
$.each(keys, function(i, dimension) {
originals[dimension] = $.fn[dimension];
$.fn[dimension] = function(size) {
var el = $(this[0]);
size !== undefined &&
(dimension == 'outerHeight' ||
dimension == 'outerWidth') &&
(size === true || size === false)
) ||
) {
return originals[dimension].call(this, size);
var hiddenData = el.data('hidden'),
topHidden = hiddenData[hiddenData.length - 1],
topHiddenClone = topHidden.clone(true),
topHiddenDescendants = topHidden.find('*').andSelf(),
topHiddenCloneDescendants = topHiddenClone.find('*').andSelf(),
elIndex = topHiddenDescendants.index(el[0]),
clone = topHiddenCloneDescendants[elIndex],
$.each(hiddenData, function(i, hidden) {
var index = topHiddenDescendants.index(hidden);
if(dimension == 'outerHeight' || dimension == 'outerWidth') {
ret = $(clone)[dimension](size ? true : false);
} else {
ret = $(clone)[dimension]();
return ret;