Using C++, and hopefully the standard library, I want to sort a sequence of samples in ascending order, but I also want to remember the original indexes of the new samples.<
Beautiful solution by @Lukasz Wiklendt! Although in my case I needed something more generic so I modified it a bit:
vector argSort(RAIter first, RAIter last, Compare comp) {
vector idx(last-first);
iota(idx.begin(), idx.end(), 0);
auto idxComp = [&first,comp](size_t i1, size_t i2) {
return comp(first[i1], first[i2]);
sort(idx.begin(), idx.end(), idxComp);
return idx;
Example: Find indices sorting a vector of strings by length, except for the first element which is a dummy.
vector test = {"dummy", "a", "abc", "ab"};
auto comp = [](const string &a, const string& b) {
return a.length() > b.length();
const auto& beginIt = test.begin() + 1;
vector ind = argSort(beginIt, test.end(), comp);
for(auto i : ind)
cout << beginIt[i] << endl;